Nicollet Mall

When there’s nothing happening on the streets of Minneapolis, I often resort to Nicollet Mall. I can usually find an interesting subject or some interesting light. Today, I pushed my shutter just ten times because the activity level was so low, and I was under-dressed for the weather. I think I spent more time sipping a Guinness inside a local Irish pub than I did walking on the streets.

I like the image above only for the pop of color that punches through the drab scene. The gloves, the scarf and the hat confirm that winter has arrived.

The image above misses the mark, but perhaps you can make sense of what I was thinking about when I took the shot. As I saw these women heading towards me, I was hopeful they would synchronize their stride to mirror the metal bars off to the left - maybe next time.

This guy is ready for winter, and there’s something Viking-esque about his build, his plaid shirt, the hat, and all of that hair.

And finally, I like how the elements of this image started to fall into place as an authority figure shouted to this group of students who were almost a city block in front of their party. There is a clearly defined foreground, middle ground and background of students positioned about the sidewalk. My only regret is that they they weren’t all in focus.
